Hey, Time-Strapped Author! Wanna write great fiction? BUT writing is hard because you… - Have NO TIME because you work a full-time job or go to school full-time - Doubt your writing ability - Are unsure how to write the kind of captivating stories you love to read. Then welcome to The Adventurous Author, the podcast for underdog authors on a mission to achieve legendary feats in the publishing world but have to overcome impossible obstacles, limited time, and paralyzing inner skepticism along the way. Through these episodes, you will… - Gain confidence in your author identity. - Master the process and structure needed to write captivating stories EVEN WITH limited writing time. - Learn to use AI effectively and ethically to constantly improve your writing skills and story quality. I’m your host Bonnie Jean Schaefer. Under my pen name of fantasy author D.K. Drake, I write action-packed, wholesome adventures without the snooze-worthy fluff. But as your personal writing coach, I’m here to unlock YOUR narrative prowess, guide you in crafting spellbinding tales, and navigate the wild world of writing with AI. Adventure awaits, so ignite your imagination, latch on to that dragon swooping overhead, and let the storytelling quest begin. It’s time to play in our own fabulous fantasy worlds.

Wednesday May 17, 2023
054 // Could This One Habit Help You Reach Your Writing Goals Faster?
Wednesday May 17, 2023
Wednesday May 17, 2023
From one author to another, I have a theory. That theory is this: setting aside 30 minutes on Monday to debrief the week before and dream about the week ahead will help us reach our writing goals faster.
But what do we review during the debrief? How do we set achievable targets with actionable tasks for the week ahead? How do we make sure what we work on each day and week takes us closer to our writing goals?
Finding the answers to these questions is at the heart of the super secret project I’ve been working on, and that is what I want to share with you today.
Email me: dk@authordkdrake.com

Wednesday May 10, 2023
053 // 3 Tips for Writing Stellar Stories
Wednesday May 10, 2023
Wednesday May 10, 2023
Today I have three quick tips to help you write stellar stories.
I didn’t learn these tips from a book or a course or a podcast or some random social media post. I learned them while backpacking in South America.
What does backpacking have to do with writing? Tune in to find out!

Friday May 05, 2023
052 // Your Creative Brain Will Thank You for This
Friday May 05, 2023
Friday May 05, 2023
Today I am bringing you some entertainment in the form of an interview. This is the third and final piece of the chat between me and my friend Becky on night seven of our eight day hike. We interviewed each other about the trek while in our tent on that cold night, and now I’m sharing it with you. You can also watch it here.
Listen in to find out how this trip will influence my next novel and discover the cool thing your creative brain will thank you for.
And if you want the inside scoop regarding the super secret project I'm working on for you before I announce it here on the podcast, you can get yourself on the email list.
Now lets go back in time one more time to hear the end of the interview between me and Becky while we were shivering in our tent on March 29, 2023. Let’s go to Chile!

Thursday May 04, 2023
Thursday May 04, 2023
I’ve got another just for fun episode for you today. I’m sharing part 2 of the interview my friend Becky and I recorded while sitting in our tent in Torres del Paine in Chile. It was night seven of our eight day hike. We chat about food, friends and life lessons learned while on the trail. If you ever want to go on a backpacking adventure of your own, hopefully this session will inspire you and give you some insights about what such an adventure would look like.
Crafting adventures of your own allow you to get out and experience the world. Then you can translate those experiences into…wait for it…stories. In other words, adventures enrich your writing!
We’ll finish up this recap series tomorrow, and on May 17, I’ll share the super secret project I’ve been working on to help you start, finish, and publish your book. For now, I’m transporting you back in time to the interview between me and Becky recorded on March 29. Let’s go to Chile!

Wednesday May 03, 2023
Wednesday May 03, 2023
If you are an adventurous author who likes to hike, I've got a fun treat for you today. While on my own hiking adventure with my college buddy Becky, we interviewed each other about our trip. This is part one of the interview where we discuss tips, tricks and highlights that can help you on your own hiking trips.
You can also watch the video here if you want to see us bundled up in our tent while we chatted on that freezing cold evening.

Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
049 // How NOT Writing Can Make You a Better Writer
Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
Wednesday Apr 26, 2023
Today I don’t want to talk to you about writing or publishing. Don’t get me wrong. Those topics are still close to my heart and will continue to be core topics of the show. Just not today. Or next week.
You see, while on my two-month sabbatical, a lot happened in this magnificent little life of mine. I went on an epic backpacking adventure, finished reading a book on writing that is changing my approach to novel writing and started revolutionizing the way I think, the way I pray and the way I get work done.
And I learned that sometimes the most progress you make as a writer is when you are experiencing life. Listen to this quick episode to learn what I've been up to and how that translates into great things for YOU.
Shoot me an email to say hi here: dk@authordkdrake.com
Check out the videos and pics from my backpacking trip on the blog.
Get on the email list to be notified first of the cool announcement coming on May 17.

Thursday Mar 02, 2023
048 // 3 Reasons I’m Taking Break From Podcasting in March
Thursday Mar 02, 2023
Thursday Mar 02, 2023
Why do I want to take a break from producing this podcast in March?
Listen in to find out.
I'll be back on April 5. Until then, keep writing!
Connect: dk@authordkdrake.com

Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
Wednesday Feb 22, 2023
We’re in week three of our write a novella in 18 weeks series.
In week one and episode 43, we did some initial market research and sketched out our covers.
In week two and episode 45, we came up with our plot premise and purpose premise. We also did some work on imagining our place or setting.
This week, we’re going to start working on developing our main characters. My guest host Bonnie Jean Schaefer will share some normal and important things you need to know about your people. Then she’ll challenge you to answer five random and somewhat ridiculous questions about your characters that will make each of them interesting.